Servis şöbəsi

Satışdan sonrakı peşəkar xidmət avadanlıq və informasiya sistemlərinin keyfiyyətli işləməsi üçün zəruri şərtdir.

Our service center is officially approved by many leading manufacturers, including Canon, Epson, Lenovo, Nikon, APC and many others. We utilize an automated system to record requests for a variety of customer types, including both individual and large corporate customers.

Divi offers specialized programs aimed at ensuring high system reliability and reducing customer costs. One of the main directions of our work is service and repair of copying, printer and fax equipment, as well as scanners and plotters. Our specialists are ready to install, diagnose, preventive maintenance and repair of office equipment, as well as provide original consumables.

The DiVi Service Center works from Bazar ertəsindən Cümə gününə qədər saat 9:00 Cümə gününə 18:00, Saturday and Sunday – are days off.

Customers can choose the best service option:

  • Regular maintenance under contract (all work is performed as part of scheduled inspections).
  •  One-time maintenance and repair (in the service center or with a visit to the customer).
  •  Service maintenance under contract.

Xidmət müqavilələrinin üstünlükləri:

  • Equipment replacement during repair.
  • Flexible choice of terms of restoration of device operability.
  • Budgeting of IT-systems maintenance costs.
  • Systematic monitoring of equipment condition, forecasting of possible malfunctions and planning of replacement of components and consumables.

Zəmanət xidməti

  •  Zəmanət təmiri

Zəmanətdən sonrakı birdəfəlik xidmət

  •  Paid one-off repair

Service center specialists will perform the required tasks quickly, efficiently and professionally.
