
A10 Networks

We are pleased to inform you that DiVi Corporation has become the official distributor of A10 Networks. Digital transformation is the key driver of technology today across the globe and across all industry verticals. Long-standing challenges and new trends are helping to shape the path digital transformation takes for enterprises and service providers alike. The […]

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26 ноября состоялась встреча ректора Азербайджанского государственного университета нефти и промышленности Мустафы Бабанлы и Эмина Кулиева, генерального директора компании DiVi, обладающей статусом Canon Premier Partner в Закавказье. Во встрече, проведенной в АГУНП, также приняли участие проректор университета по учебной работе, доцент Гасым Мамедов, представитель Canon CEE GmbH в Азербайджане Валех Магеррамов, специалист по маркетингу Canon

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DiVi Corporation Response to COVID-19 Threat Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared it a pandemic. Protecting employees, partners, and customers remains a critical concern for DiVi Corporation. We express our sincere gratitude to all the medical workers around the world who are continuously working

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